Rural Church Planters are Equipped in the Four Basic Facts of Stewardship
We traveled to Romeas Haek in Svayrieng Province to share a day with rural church planters. Romeas Haek is located in southeast Cambodia, about 6 miles from the Vietnam border.
We enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship with these brothers and sisters, and they were eager to discover the Four Basic Facts of Stewardship, and how these facts impact us as disciples of Jesus and are the foundation of our understanding of “The Grace of Giving.”
The Four Basic Facts of Stewardship
God Owns Everything
People Manage God’s Resources
Effective Stewardship is a Learned Discipline
We Were Created to Be Productive
Please join us in praying for these pastors as they take this message to heart and grow in their personal generosity journey as a disciple of Jesus.
And pray for us as we make plans to return in the future to build upon this foundation and equip the pastors with a series of 6 sermons on stewardship that they can preach in their churches to encourage their members to grow in the grace of giving.